Sunday, October 14, 2012

Passed with boating colors!
Sunday October 14, 2012

David Here So in the state of arkansas if your born after january 1986 you have to have a boater education card to operate a boat legally in the state of Arkansas well most states. So I had been putting off had no need for it just never needed it. All the boating I ever have done I never been in command. Well with me now owning and wanting to live aboard I am like ok I am going to do this. I went a head and took my boaters ed test online it was really long like it talked about everything and I mean everything. I didn't think I would pass I was in a bad mood. Well I got a 92% on my first try after 4 hours of class online. I wish it was better.... Dang only 92% now I have to go to the Game and Fish to take it in person. I will probably get a 92% on it again or better come on I was suppose to fail. Well I am one safe boater I glad to know that.... Well the good news is alot of what I said above is a joke I wasn't in a bad mood and I really have been meaning to take the test. I am excited that I did so well. See you on the water soon!! Photo Credit Arkansas Game and Fish Commission

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